Wednesday, December 12, 2007

True Story of Hansel and Gretel Week 2 Race/Ethnicity

Yep, the Oberfuhrer is one weird guy. He breaks the "rules" in some ways in his actions with Nelka based on their different ethnicities (German and Polish). How does this relate to society's "rules" today in terms of culture (think back to Kite Runner too!)?


Anonymous said...

I think in today's society we are more open to many things but it is still shunned to date someone of another race. Most parents don't approve of interracial relationships and most grandparents still base ethinicity on how good a person is. In Kite Runner we learned that this race/ethnicity issue occurs everywhere around the world just in different ways.

Unknown said...

I think that todays society we tell people who we are and were we are from and it doesnt really matter, but it is still shunned to date someone else that is a different race. In the kite runner is shows how their race and ethnicity is a big part in the book by who they marry and what group they are in.

chieyang said...

In today's society people are more open to dating different races but there are still some people who don't like it. Some parents like it better when you date someone who is the same race as you because they will understand you more because you are of the same culture. If you come from different culture then there are cultural differences that you will have to face.

nicole said...

Well, I'm sure that in society today people wouldn't just, connect themselves with a tube and recieve blood just because they might have the same blood type. I don't think people today really care if you are safely getting blood, what ethnicity it is. Blood is blood and if it's healthy, it would save your life no matter what part of the world it's in.

Unknown said...

I don't believe that religion should be a set factor when it comes to a relationship. However, it is the person's choice if they would like to follow through with a relationship with another person of a different religion. In this novel, there is a big reason as to why the SS cannot have any of Nelka's blood in him. If the SS finds out that Nelka has Gypsy blood in her, then a Nazi General would have bad blood, which is unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

In today's culture I don't think that race in relationship is that big of a deal. It still may be to some of the older people, but not to many. No one really thinks about it much.
I agree with what Nicole says about how today, it doesn't matter what race the person is that you are getting the blood from; as long as it saves your life.

josh said...

In todays world people are way more open about who they date. Back in the day people could be killed for messin with some one of a diffrent color thats messed up

tegan said...

I really agree with what Paige said about the way it's still shunned to date someone of another race. I know a lot of people who say that they don't discriminate based on race, but they would never allow themselves or one of their kids to date another person who was black, asian, middle-eastern, etc. On the other hand, we've also become more accepting of dating people of other races in this age. A lot of people may not like it, but a lot more people don't care than do care. It's become a lot more common to see a black and white couple walking around together.

Katie said...

Today most people don't care about who is dateing who like nationality or race, but if there is, it's usually the parents who have troubles with inter racial relationships. The only other thing could be if an american woman were to date a male arib, not many people would look upon that with kindness, all because of one thing that happend. Everyone is suspicious of them. Other wise people are more up on age. You have to be so close in age with the other person or esle youre a gold digger.

Anonymous said...

People underestimate the amount of racial conflict that still exsists in todays world. The Kite Runner made this very evident. It floored me that the setting of the Kite Runner was the 21st century. In America, atleast in the north, racial acceptance has flourished but even in our own school racism is still widely present.

Unknown said...

In today's society we are more accepting of other races but we are a little bit racist. When it comes to medical things like blood and that kind of stuff race doesn't matter really but when it comes to dating some people have issues with it but it really isn't that big of a deal and it's handled much better now than it was in like the fifties.

tbomb blamo! said...

Today that would have been called, "Rape".