Monday, September 10, 2007


Welcome to the Modern Literature and Society blog for first semester. As part of the class, your job will be to read and respond regularly to posts from your classmates. As guinea pigs, we will use this spot to "converse" about the reading. Please avoid spoilers if you've read ahead. For The Glass Castle, we'll use this as a practice. For future novels, part of your effort grade will include your posts. We'll discuss specifics later.


Deidrekbradford said...

Ms. Sullivan, your blog rocks! I've heard mixed reviews on The Glass Castle, so I'm anxious to hear what your students think : )

Unknown said...

I had a chance to hear Ms. Walls speak at a conference in Washington, D.C. this summer. She said that when she does speaking engagements, the adults attending are outraged with the parents behavior and the teenagers discuss the situations the main character deals with.
What was most important to you when you read this book? Did the parents behavior make you lost sight of the girl's story? How much did you think about the parent's behavior or were you just interested in how Jeanette was handling her life?
I really enjoyed hearing the author speak more about her life and how people respond to her life story.

Unknown said...

I think I get caught up in the shock of the parents actions in the story and less on Jeanette's life. I really do like this book, it keeps your attention and shocks you every chapter. I can't believe Billy broke into her house to BB gun her and I can't believe she shot back with a rifle!